The headwork gate frames for Under sluice, Bell mouth intake and both the Desander inlet is installed. The Connecting penstock installation is complete. The HRT penstock is divided into 2 sections: Section A (0m to 950 m chainage) and Section B 9950 m to 1200 m chainage)
Channel placing from 0m to 950 is installed and completed.Due to the flood and damage caused to 5-ton Ropeway, this section could not be initiated. Once the ropeway is functional this HRT pipe section will be completed within 2 months barring unforeseen issues cropping up.
The Surface penstock AB1 TO AB2 could not be initiated due to the breakdown of 5-ton ropeway. AB3 to AB16 is complete.
The Vertical Shaft Section (AB 17 – AB 18) is the most critical part of the project. Due to small shaft diameter, a new methodology was designed and adopted to erect the penstock. A lifting arrangement was designed especially for the project. The methodology and technique used has never been attempted anywhere (as per our knowledge) in the world. Initial attempt was not a success and this greatly hampered the timeline of the project. After rehashing and correcting the design of the lifting mechanism, lifting of the penstock (278m) was successful. The section Ab 18 to Powerhouse which includes the penstock, bend and bifurcation is complete.